Dinosaurussen waren de eersten die de standpunten van andere mensen begrepen

Een nieuwe studie onthult dat het vermogen om iemands blik te volgen naar een aanvankelijk belemmerde locatie, ook wel bekend als visueel perspectief nemen, waarschijnlijk is ontstaan ​​in de afstamming van dinosauriërs, ongeveer 60 miljoen jaar voordat het in zoogdieren verscheen. Dit cognitieve vermogen is gevonden bij sommige vogelsoorten en suggereert dat aviaire dinosaurussen, of vogels, een opmerkelijke neurocognitie hadden die dateert van vóór de opkomst van vergelijkbare vaardigheden bij zoogdieren.

Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Lund ontdekten dat het nemen van visuele perspectieven, het cognitieve vermogen om een ​​belemmerde blik te volgen, ongeveer 60 miljoen jaar voordat het bij zoogdieren verscheen, ontstond in de afstamming van dinosauriërs. De bevinding daagt het idee uit dat complexe cognitie voornamelijk bij zoogdieren is geëvolueerd en werpt licht op de cognitieve vaardigheden van vogels en hun voorouders van dinosauriërs.

Wanneer iemand bij u in de buurt zijn hoofd naar iets in de omgeving draait, kunt u waarschijnlijk niet anders dan volgen waar zijn blik is. Deze reactie is waargenomen bij zoogdieren, vogels en zelfs reptielen. Het is een effectieve manier om informatie te verzamelen over wat de aandacht van uw collega heeft getrokken en dat u misschien hebt gemist. Een meer geavanceerd gedrag is echter om iemands blik te volgen naar een site die aanvankelijk aan uw zicht wordt onttrokken. Door jezelf te herpositioneren om te zien waar de ander naar kijkt, toon je begrip dat de ander een ander perspectief heeft. Dit vermogen, bekend als het nemen van visuele perspectieven, ontwikkelt zich bij kinderen in de leeftijd van anderhalf tot twee jaar, en dient als basis voor later begrip van referentiële communicatie en dat andere mensen een andere geest hebben dan jij.

Visueel perspectief nemen is tot nu toe slechts bij zeer weinigen aangetroffen[{” attribute=””>species. Mainly in apes and some monkeys, but also in dogs and crow birds. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the evolutionary origins of this crucial social skill. A team of researchers from Lund University aimed to investigate a potential early emergence of visual perspective taking in dinosaurs. Through a comparison of alligators with the most primitive existing birds, known as palaeognaths, they discovered that visual perspective taking originated in the dinosaur lineage likely 60 million years, or more, prior to its appearance in mammals.

Dinosaur Gaze Following

Figure 1. Experimental setups of the study. Panels depict experiment setups (from left to right) for alligators, small birds (red junglefowl and elegant-crested tinamous), and large birds (emus and rheas). (A) Setups for experiment 1 (gazing up). (B) Setups for experiment 2 (gazing to the side). (C) Setups for experiment 3 (geometrical). Red dots depict stimuli used to lure demonstrators’ gazes (for more information about stimuli, see Materials and Methods). Credit: Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf0405


Crocodilians are the closest living relatives to birds. Their neuroanatomy has remained largely unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, and is similar to that of the common ancestor of dinosaurs and crocodilians. Palaeognath birds comprise the ostrich birds, such as emus and rheas, but also the flighted tinamous. Their brains are in large parts comparable to their forebearers, the non- avian paravian dinosaurs, which feature such celebrities as the velociraptors. Comparing these two groups of animals creates a bracket around the extinct lineage of dinosaurs leading up to modern birds.

The study revealed that alligators do not demonstrate visual perspective taking, although they do follow gaze to a visible location. In contrast, all tested bird species exhibited visual perspective taking. Additionally, the birds engaged in a behavior called “checking back,” where the observer looks back into the eyes of the gazer, and re-tracks the gaze, when unable to find anything in the direction of their gaze the first time. This behavior indicates an expectation that the gaze is referring to a target in the environment. Previously, this has only been observed in humans, apes and monkeys, and ravens.

Palaeognath birds emerged 110 million years ago, predating the two mammal groups endowed with visual perspective taking – primates and dogs – with 60 million years. Considering the neuroanatomical similarities between these birds and their non-avian forebearers, it is plausible that the skill originated even earlier in the dinosaur lineage. However, it is less likely to have been present among the earliest dinosaurs, which had more alligator-like brains. Maybe future research will show the ability to be more widespread among mammals than currently known, but even if that would be the case it will most probably still be predated by the dinosaur origin. Nevertheless, it is not surprising that visual perspective taking emerged earlier in the dinosaurs, which include the birds, given their superior vision compared to most mammals, that historically relied on nocturnal adaptations. It was only with the emergence of the primates and certain carnivores that our visual capabilities improved.

This is yet another finding that calls into question the prevailing view that mammals drove the evolution of complex cognition, and that they are the cognitive yardstick to which other animals should be compared. An increasing number of studies show the remarkable neurocognition of the avian dinosaurs, the birds, which might prompt a rethinking of the natural history of cognition.

Comments from the authors:

Senior author, prof. Mathias Osvath:

“Early in my career, crow birds earned the nickname “feathered apes,” due to numerous research findings that showcased their remarkable cognition. However, I’m beginning to question whether it would be more fitting to consider primates as honorary birds.”

First author (then PhD-student), Dr. Claudia Zeiträg:

“Birds are commonly being overlooked when it comes to their cognitive skills. Our findings show that they do not only have several cognitive skills on par with those of apes, but that their forebearers most likely had these skills long before they evolved in mammals.”

Middle author, Dr. Stephan Reber:

“Crocodilians are ideal models to study the evolutionary origins of cognitive capacities in birds. What they share most probably existed in the common ancestor of dinosaurs and crocodilians. If crocodilians lack an ability birds possess, it likely evolved in the dinosaur lineage after the split. This approach allows us to study the cognition of extinct species.”

Reference: “Gaze following in Archosauria—Alligators and palaeognath birds suggest dinosaur origin of visual perspective taking” by Claudia Zeiträg, Stephan A. Reber and Mathias Osvath, 19 May 2023, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf0405

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